Message 366
“It is the Mind that gives life; the flesh (“raw, active” thoughts borne forth of the personal will) is useless. The Laws (Mind Patterns expressed through tôrâh; the five books of Môsheh) that I speak to you are Mind (Yahweh's allotted portion of perfect thinking, implemented into chosen souls), and are everlasting (eternal) life (mind activity).” (Yahchanan 6:63)
The idea expounded upon just yesterday, further realized today. One's own first inclinations and the ideas they form – useless! It is that which prompts the 144,000 to decree, and rightly so, “I was never intended (created) to think for myself! My mind's true freedom is only thinking as Yahweh thinks!” The internal decimation of the bogus teaching of and about some “free will” that never existed! A will bound to sin can never be free!
The Mind and it's Mind Patterns (Law) which lead to a greater understanding of the Mind. It is the Law which tells one how to think, for what good would it do to gift His Mind without directions, right? And that the entirety of Yahshua's purpose was to reveal that very Mind to chosen ones, in order to then show them how to decimate their own personal will (the “flesh” of one's own thinking).
If we have not solidified the matter yet we have wasted time. Two messages left and we needed to have advanced to a very specific place by now – this place – this mental space.
“At this many of his disciples turned away, and no longer walked with him.”