Message 365

We have discussed it, but it has to be repeated. And there is no one better to say it then Yahshua, for it was about his very own life that he said it: “I can of my own SELF do nothing; as I hear (understand), I judge. And my judgment is just; because I DO NOT SEEK MY OWN WILL, but the will of the Father who sent me.” (Yahchanan 5:30, emphasis mine). Yes, the emphasis was mine, but it was so abundantly emphasized by Yahshua with every thought he would think, and therefore every act he would act upon. SEPARATE WILLS!  Until of course he would crucify his own unto death!

The 144,000 understand that the narrow path road to the SELF crucifying, that leads to a mind again unified utterly (“resurrected”) unto the Father's, is found in Yahshua's words: “I can of my own SELF do nothing.” Every single thought he would think, measured against the Holy patterned standard, “Is this my thinking or Yours Father?” And until the Father solidified His answer within Yahshua's mind, nothing would proceed! And yet Yahshua seemed to even know things ahead of time. Exactly! The commitment Yahshua had to righteousness (right thinking) and the practicing of it with every thought (Yahchanan 5:29, I Yahchanan 3:7) brought the Father's mental presence into a permanence within Yahshua's mind. There would be no need for the Father to remove His mental presence from a mind totally devoted to Him.

It is time for others to resurrect (the “sealing” of Revelation 7:3). It is time for the fallen plain to see the sons of Yahweh for which it groans (Romans 8:19).


Message 364


Message 366