Message 364
We are coming to an end. His plan is coming to an end. This entire body of work, though under the Father's counsel and authority, was just a piece of what would be needed for a mind to pass the Luke 21:36 test; to be found “worthy to escape”. For the 144,000 it is an escape, but certainly not a fleeing! These messages should have, by now, come to you as patterns, patterns of how Mighty Yahweh intends for His chosen souls to think. Again, the allotted boundaries of His Mind, given to those who would build (son, children, daughter) His Kingdom within; His Kingdom of thought!
The gifts and the callings being irrevocable and uniquely individual, one must press on past these messages, into the intimacy required to make it; the key of David (love) if you will. Perhaps you are among those who see now the blueprints of the plan, or as I have said in the past, the mathematical equation of and to the Mind of Yahweh. It is my fervent prayer that you do, for it is the time such things are needed. We are coming to an end. His plan, though eternal, has facets. The facet of life physical, as we know it, is coming to an end. Poise, balance, just thinking, in the midst of utter chaos; appointed chaos. A time for mind's made ready, to climb to total mental clarity (Zion). The time of the 144,000.