Message 363

“And the Egyptians (material thoughts based in life physical) pursued, going after them [thoughts intended to be “ruled by and for His power”; Israel] into the midst of the sea (“roar, noisy”; tumultuous activity in the mind), all Pharaoh's (belief in human intellect) horses (the power that drives the mind), his chariots (“dispatch, upon”; thoughts that overwhelm), and his horsemen (“stretched, separate”; the mind's exaggerations). And in the morning (time of the mind's illuminations) watch, Yahweh looked down (to the lower thought plain) upon the army (“mass” of thoughts) of the Egyptians, through the pillar (“standing”; uprightness) of fire (conviction, judgment) and cloud (“cover, act covertly”; mystique), and He threw it [the mass of thoughts bound to life physical and belief in one's own intellect] into confusion. He made the wheels (“revolve”; mind's activity) of their chariots (thoughts intended to overwhelm) become jammed (consciously “off”), so they drove (mentally rode) them with difficulty. And the Egyptians (material thoughts) said, 'Let us flee from the face (conscious countenance) of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for His power), for Yahweh fights (“consume, feed”) for them against the Egyptians.' Then Yahweh said to Môsheh, 'Stretch out your hand (mind's grasp) over the sea (mind's roar), that the waters (delusion, see “Liquidity”) may come back upon the Egyptians, their chariots, and on their horsemen.'” (Exodus 14:23-26)

An overcoming of all carnality, via the Unilateral Mind Covenant, based in a love that “never fails”. (I Corinthians 13:8)


Message 362


Message 364