Message 362
“There are the communities (aka “nations”; the “mass” of foreign thoughts within that fight against Yahweh's will) Yahweh let remain, in order to test the children (“builders”) of Israel (thoughts intended to be ruled by and for Yahweh's power) who had not experienced any wars (“battle”; mental warfare) in Canaan (the mind's “humiliations” needing to be corrected).” (Judges 3:1)
We will see the nations (constructs of foreign thoughts within), but first we perceive the intent: “in order to test”. The 144,000 always remember that every internal battle has it's Author and Perfecter. He who both decrees and stands over every battle a mind faces, and that it is all done on purpose, for specific outcome. The tests are not to see if He who knows both beginning and end of all matters might know, but that each individual mind can gauge itself via each test. And the gauge is of course “perfection”; Oneness with the Mind of Yahweh.
“So the children of Israel lived (consciously resided) among the Canaanites (the mind's “humiliations”), Hittites (“prostrate, break”; the mind's terrors), Amorites (“publicity”; arrogance and vanity), Perizzites (“of open country” rebellions), Hivites (“life giver”; pride of material life), and the Jebusites (“trodden, trample”; depressions).” (Judges 3:5)
Specific mental territories that must be overcome in order to align with the will of Yahweh. The 144,000 are engaged in the work every minute of every hour of every day. Of course understanding that as it is in every battle, the victory lies with and in Yahweh's Power Alone!