Message 361
ophanאופן (o-fawn'); “revolve”
galgal נלנל (gal-gal'); “whirlwind, toss”
You have heard of the term, “Wheels in my mind keep on spinning.” Interestingly it is actually a term that perfectly captures the Hebraic intent of the two words above, which are both commonly translated as “wheel(s)”. And of course it would be the beginning step of how one was to properly grasp (mentally of course) all that is meant to be said at the book of Yechezqê'l יחזקאל (yekh-ez-kale') (“might will strengthen”; commonly, “Ezekiel”).
Many “prophetic” minded have attempted to unveil the intent of both chapters 1 & 10 of Yechetzqyah. Might I suggest that one must first perceive that both words above are utilized for “wheel(s)” in those verses. And until one grasps that those very wheels refer to the mind's condition, one will never indeed grasp what Yahweh wants to say. The work has been done and the totality of those chapters, prayerfully to be offered soon. But one can start their own journey and begin to dive in; if one is called to it. While considering it we remember the words at I Corinthians 12:14-18, letting verse 18 sum it up: “But now Yahweh has set the members (mind's faculties/people) each one of them in the body (collective thought/physical congregation), as it pleased Him.”
Not even those of the 144,000 are called to represent the entirety of Yahweh's Mind, but rather to excel at that to which they have been called.