Message 360

The Hebrew word is môwt מוט (mote). It's definitions are “slip, waver, shake”. It's common translation is “moved”. We know by now, and we know it well, that all things Hebraic are all things Mind/mind.

“Cast your cares on Yahweh, and He (via a unilateral Mind Covenant) will sustain (mentally uphold) you. He will never permit the righteous (righteousness = right thinking) to be moved (mentally “slip, waver, shake”).” (Psalm 55:22)

The 144,000 focus! Not on the background noise of Fox TV or WNPR. Not on Global Markets (though they are indeed telling) or 401K plans. Not on Presidents or Prime Ministers. All of it, background noise. The 144,000 know that, “If I have not cultivated the voice of Yahweh within my mind, I am in BIG TROUBLE!” It is the cry of their souls, to be ever so connected to the voice of Abba, within. And it is because of this that their minds will not “slip, waver, shake,” when the real purging begins; a purging of minds that are His and minds that are not!

One bomb, two bombs, three bombs, four. Will you be at peace – poised – balanced? The 144,000 have learned to whisper His name often throughout the day. NOT for the physical world to hear, but an internal whisper that says, “You Yahweh. Your the Only Source of Power! There is no other. It is You I serve and You I listen for.” Super connectivity if you will. A very very necessary thing as He ramps up His plan.


Message 359


Message 361