Message 359
“They [thoughts intended to be ruled by and for His power; Israel] have sown (mentally planted) the wind (our word rûwach, which stands for both the “Mind” of Yahweh and the “mind” of man; in this case, the mind of fallen man), and they will reap (mentally gather) the whirlwind (“tempest, snatch”; removal of any access to Yahweh's Mind).” (Hôwshêäʽ 8:7)
The 144,000 once lived that life – within the life wherein one's own carnality drives every decision. Where one's own thinking (mind) either pretends to obey or out right denies Yahweh's thinking (Mind). And the end result is a mind in complete disarray! A mind that reaps destruction!
We have discussed Yahweh's all or nothing policy (Yaaqob 2:10), and we have extensively covered the truth that it would be His Unilateral Mind Covenant that would enable His chosen minds to do the “all” part of the equation! To be able to “perfect” one's thinking by sacrificing one's own rûwach (mind) for that which emanates from Yahweh's Mind (rûwach) placed within! There is no excuses allowed!
“Israel (thought intended to be ruled by and for His power) is swallowed up. Now they [disobedient thoughts/disobedient minds] will be among the Gentiles (“foreign” thoughts), as a jar (the ability to mentally “contain”) that has no value.” (Hôwshêäʽ 8:8)