Message 38
Many words express what Yahweh intends when referring to what are known as the “twelve mental faculties/disciplines/tribes/branches". Make no mistake that the twelve sons ("builders") of Yaʽăqôb (Jacob) have the exact same meaning in their names as the twelve disciples of Yahshua. That the Hebraic intent is to express the twelve different "member(s)" of the collective thought, known as one's mind.
יצרים yatsur (yaw-tsoor). It's definition is "structure". It's root word יצר yatsar (yaw-tsar). It's definition's are "squeezing, moulding, potter". This word translated as "member(s)" perfectly describes what the Master Potter is doing within the minds of His chosen, and He is doing so with each faculty (the mind's structure). All into His image, a mental image, day by day.
Yahdah (Judah) = Praise = Yahchanan (John)
Issachar = Zeal = Simon
Zebulon = Order = Yaʽăqôb (James)
Dan = Judgment = Yaʽăqôb (James)
Naphtali = Strength = Philip
Gad = Power = Andrew
Reuben = Life = Thaddaeus
Simeon = Elimination (hearing) = Mattithyâh (Matthew)
Levi = Unity
Asher = Joy = Bartholomew
Yahseph (Joseph) = Will & Understanding = Thomas
Benyamin = Faith = Simon Kêpha (Peter)