Message 39
Has it clicked yet? The true reality that the Hebrew language, it's letters, words and definitions, are always, always, always speaking of and to a Kingdom within; the Kingdom of thought. We again and simply so, define four Hebrew words and what we find is indeed of those "secret mysteries" often discussed by Yahshua and Shâʼûl (Paul):
flaming - The Hebrew word is להכ lahat (lah'-hot). It's definitions are "blaze, covert"
sword - חרכ chereb (kheh'-reb), "drought, desolate"
tree - עץ éts (ates), "firm, fasten
life - of course it's our word חי chay, as previously vetted, "raw, fresh"; (the minds unseasoned activity)
The 144,000 have learned well to take Hebraic definitions and apply them to the context of each individual word of each verse in the Scriptures, and they know how to finish the process: "Show Me Yahweh, in Yahshua's name I ask it." They know that asking in Yahshua's name IS asking in Yahweh's name as Yahshua is "Yahweh saves!"
And when the prayers and supplications have been offered at the altar within; the place one "slaughters" his own will for the will of the Father alone, then the whispers come: "The tree (truth) of life (mind activity)" is everything expressed in Yahweh's Mind patterns (Law), and the "flaming sword" are those searing convictions and even guilt that the mind senses when not lined up perfectly with Yahweh's will, for He does not let loose minds in His full presence.
Again, the tree of life (truth of mind) and for those who will not submit, a flaming sword (guilt and convictions unconfessed). The 144,000 shall eat (mentally digest) only the good stuff. The wonderful fruit of Yahweh's Mind. The time of Yahweh's wrath is very soon and fear only ever comes from a mind disconnected from Yahweh's Mind.