Message 40

  מלכיצרק Malîky-Tsedeq (mal-kee-tseh'-dek). It's definition is "reign of right". And Hebraic intent demands that we understand that this is no less then the "reign of right thinking within." So who would represent such and be able to pass these oral truths on to ʼAbrâm (soon to be ʼAbrâhâm; "father of a multitude"; the many new thoughts placed into the conscience of chosen souls)? It would be none other then Shêm ("name, position"; the first fruits of the minds focus)!

Understanding Yahweh's "49 year cycles" on the earth, one comes to see that Shêm dies in 1679 B.C. (which is also 2158 years after ʼÂdam was created, or 2158 A.C.) One can also ascertain that ʼAbrâm was born in 1889 B.C. (which is also 1948 A.C.) This leaves 269 years that Shêm and ʼAbrâm walked the earth at the same time!

The 144,000 understand that of Nôach's ("rest"; the quieted thoughts within) three sons, the only lineage (mental and physical) from ʼÂdam, that only Shêm (the right thinking one the others were "covered (tents)" by) could pass on the right thinking that ʼÂdam was accountable to, after a fall! They know that after the flood of 2181 B.C (I leave it to you to figure what that means for "A.C."), there was only Noah and his three sons ("builders") whom could have possibly passed down the mental lineage required by Yahweh. They know that Shêm was given the title “Melchizedek”, and that the "first fruits" he offered ʼAbrâm, those best mental thoughts, is what cause ʼAbrâm to offer back (tithe) praise to Yahweh, and therefore Shem!


Message 39


Message 41