Message 41
Proper application of Hebraic intent always lurks in the minds of the 144,000. They know that defining Hebrew letters, the words they form and the context in which they stand, is how Hebraic intent is discovered.
The Hebrew word is עברי Ibrîy (ib-ree'). It's definition is "Ebrite". Looking to it's root word we find the word חכר Êber (ay'-ber). It's definition's are "cross, across, opposite". It is this word that describes Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, as well as many others. The systematic translation of this word is "Hebrew(s)". And up until the time of the birth of one of Jacob's sons, every child of Yahweh was known as Hebrew, for He was the "Father of the Hebrews." (Exodus 1:15-19, 2:13, 3:18, 5:3, 7:16, 9:1, 10:3) Indeed He would be the Father for those that have been led to be distinctly different from all the other people of the earth; Hebrews.
Our next Hebrew word is יהורה Yehûwdâh (yeh-hoo-daw'). It's root is יהר yâdâh (yaw-dah). The 144,000 always love to see that "יה yah" as the foundation for all things true; the core of everything. The definition of Yehûwdâh is "celebrated." This name did not exist until Genesis 29:35 and was announced when Jacob's son "Judah" was born. And it was not until his birth and the birth of his lineage that the word Yehûwdâh would be shortened and spoken of in regards to any and all of the tribe (faculty) of Yâhdâh (Judah); Jew(s).
The 144,000 understand the utter significance of the true reality that Judah is only one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Of the utmost importance is the reality that because all the Feasts of Yahweh are for "Israel (all 12 tribes)" and not just Judah (1 tribe of 12), that they are NOT "Jewish Feasts". And the Old Covenant is NOT "A book for Jews", but rather for Israel. They understand that up until Jacob had his twelve sons ("builders"), all of Yahweh's people were called Hebrews, and that after the renaming of Jacob and the future birth of twelve sons, ALL of Yahweh's people were called "Israel". And that in the Renewed Covenant it is well taught that if you are a believer by faith you have been "grafted in" to the "citizenship of Israel." Yahweh never intended any of the twelve tribes to be their own "religion" but rather, united in Oneness with His will.