Message 46

The Hebrew word is גלגלת gugôleth (gul-go'-leth). It's definition is "the skull (as round)". It's root word גלל gâlal (gaw-lal'), has the definition "roll". And the deeper we go we find that the "roll" speaks to "obstinacy" towards the will of Yahweh.

At Mark 27:33, Mark 15:27, Luke 23:33 and John 19:17, we learn that this is the place Yahshua was crucified; in the obstinacy of all that would only ever come from one's own will; within the mind (skull). And the 144,000 realize that by Yahshua's sacrificing of his own personal will, the Father saw it as a fitting sacrifice to atone for those Yahweh would call chosen children. In it's common interpretation "Golgotha" is simply announced as a physical place and  not a place within one's thoughts that needed to be crucified in order to come again into mental Oneness with Yahweh's Mind.

The 144,000 know where the real crucifying takes place, the physical always being that aftereffect of what the mind implements. To be "crucified of mind" is the path to Yahshua (salvation), and he showed one exactly how to do it; the master pattern keeper that he was. And he showed us where it all took place, within the skull.

The work is being done within those destined for a sealing (Yahweh's fulfillment of His Unilateral Mind Covenant to perfect fallen minds), and part and parcel of that work is sifting through Greek and Latin mindsets. The 144,000 know that the Greek "κρανίον, kranion" speaks to a physical skull and not to the mind's obstinacy towards Yahweh, and that the Latin translation also fails utterly to capture Hebraic intent with their translation of "calvary", as a substitute for gugoleth. The 144,000 know that the Hebrew language ALWAYS speaks first and foremost of and about Yahweh's Kingdom, the Kingdom within.


Message 45


Message 47