Message 47

"For Yahweh is Judge ("sentence, vindicate, punish"), Yahweh is our Lawgiver ("precept, statute"), Yahweh is our King ("Reigning Thinker"); He will save us!" (Isayah 32:22)

A specific Hebrew word for "Law" is תורה tôrâh (to-raw'). The 144,000 understand that the tôrâh encompasses the first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) of the Scriptures, commonly know as the books of Mosheh. They also expect tôrâh to have it's roots in the essence of Yahweh and they find the root word for tôrâh is ירה yâwrâh (yaw-rah'). As it is with the Hebrew word for "knowledge ירע (yâdâ (yaw-dah'))", they again find that "yah" at the root of everything required to perceive how utterly Sovereign His Sovereignty is!

There was another who spoke to the completeness of all that the tôrâh revealed of and about, "How to think like Yahweh". Let's listen to his words on the matter:  "For had you believed Mosheh ("drawing, rescued"; thoughts that begin to draw out Yahweh's will within) you would have believed me [Yahshua], for he wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings (the  tôrâh), how will you believe my words?" (Yahchanan (John) 5:46-47)

The 144,000 understand very well that a mind that say's, "The law (tôrâh) has been done away with!", is a mind that is specifically saying, "Yahshua has been done away with," as well as, "Yahweh's patterns that reveal how He expects His children to think, have been done away with."


Message 46


Message 48