Message 48
"How? How can we know how to find the right timeline for the Creation of Adam and all of the prophecies spoken of in Scripture?"
We talked of the 49 year cycles (7 X 7) and how they determine the cycles (years) Yahweh has decreed for mankind at Genesis 6:3; 120 x 49 = 5880 years total (3835 years for the time before Yahshua's birth, 2045 years after the time of Yahshua's birth).
Another of Yahweh's indicators of the proper timeline would be known as the "year of release" first documented at Deuteronomy 15:1- "At the end of seven years (“revolutions, duplications"; mental cycles) you shall grant a release ("let alone, remission").” The "release" is the Hebrew word שמטה shemittah (shem-it-taw) and the understanding of the shemittah is in direct correlation with the timelines of the earth. Make no mistake that the captivity of Israel was directly tied to Israel's refusal to keep shemittah for seventy years and the punishment for such: "And this whole land will be a desolation an astonishment; and these nations (separated minds/separated Israel) will serve the king of Babylon ("confusion") seventy years." (Yeremyah 25:11)
70 cycles disobeyed; 70 x 7 = 490; four hundred and ninety years of disobedience.
5,880 divided by 12 = 490 years. There were 12 tribes/apostles. 490 years would be the equivalent of one tribe in time.