Message 49

"The Father of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power) spoke, the Rock ("confine, refuge") of Israel spoke to me: 'The one who rules over men must do so with righteousness (right thinking), ruling in the reverence of Yahweh.'" (II Samuel 23:3)

The 144,000 know it wasn't Trump. Nor is it Netanyahu. It's not the Pope. They know there is not one single person "running" today, who leads their nation as Yahweh has commanded His nation to be led, and they are not given over to fairy tales and fables; particularly those offered by the church.

Right thinking (righteousness) is the totality of the Torah (Law; Mind Patterns) lived out exactly as Yahshua lived it! It is that kind of righteousness and only that kind  that Yahweh would affirm as "reverent", thus qualifying the ruler as Yahweh's ruler. They understand that the reason this earth and it's people is "passing away" is because lest Yahweh intervened, there never would be another righteous ruler on this earth; Yahshua now being seated at the right hand of the Father.

The 144,000 are not deceived into thinking that when Yahweh speaks of and to His "nation" that it can be America or England, as much as it cannot be China or Iran.  In Hebraic fact it is even much more then a mass of land called Israel, and Shaul tells it well: "For it is not everyone who is a descendant of Israel who belongs to Israel, or because they are his descendants are they all Abraham's children, but in Isaac your seed will be called. That is, it is not those who are children of the flesh who are Yahweh's children; but it the children ("builders") of the promise (the Unilateral Mind Covenant to change chosen mind's) who are regarded as Abraham's seed." (Romans 9:6-8)

Yahweh's nation ("massing, division") is a a congregation of renewed minds ruled by and for His power; Israel. The 144,000 know who Israel is and they understand that praying for nations already decreed to be eradicated by Yahweh Himself, is actually praying against the Father's will. He will not be rewriting the book of Revelation.


Message 48


Message 50