Message 52
Is it difficult to come into the full realization that failure at just one of Yahweh's commands means failure at them all? Are you in tune with that true reality? Have you put together the simple truth that if love can "never fail" and still be called love, that the same applies to the commands; they can not be eradicated in your mind and yet still have you claiming, "I love...." Yahweh's Mind Patterns (Laws) revealed to chosen souls to enact mental disciplines (the 12 internal tribes/disciples/faculties/disciplines)---Yes they are the discipline of "How not to think!", as much as they are of, "How Yahweh thinks!"; and in this the work begins.
The 144,000 realize that the "How not to think!", is the part that His "implanted" faith (Romans 12:3) is meant to work out. That step by mental step in obedience to His patterns, all of the "Do not!" turns into "I could never!", within the minds of His chosen. And that the entirety of mental "salvation" is IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT ALL OF THE TORAH (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)! In reference to the Law being "done away with", the 144,000 stand firmly in the undivided Mind of Yahweh and His words through His chosen Shaul. Of and about the Law being done away with Shaul say's: "Certainly not!" They also perceive that the "teachers" and "office holders" spoken of in Galatians 4:2, are no less then the Kings and prophets of old, fully embodied in the mind of Yahshua, what he thought and therefore said, and how it all manifested physically.
Yes indeed, the 144,000 understand very well that their mental resurrection is a time appointed, specifically at Revelation chapter 7, and they know that until then the Law is Yahweh's chosen tutor of and about His Mind.