Message 53
"If then you are risen (consciously exalted) with the anointing (mind "rubbed" with Yahweh's Mind and given the ability to set itself apart), seek those things which are from on high (the higher thought plain) where Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mindset) sits at the right (power) hand (mental grasping) of the Yahweh. Set your understanding and will on things (mental matters) from on high, not on things of the earth (the carnal mind's firmly holding to a lower thought plain); for you are dead (no longer thinking by and of your own will) and your life (mind) is hid (mysteriously protected) with the anointing in Yahweh." (Colossians 3:1-3)
We previously discussed how the Hebrew word for mâshach משיח (maw-shakh') is defined as "rub, anoint, consecrate". This word is often translated as "anoint, anointed, anointing", however it is also often translated as the upper case "Messiah". The 144,000 realize how utterly important it is to discover that this word mâshach is often times utilized to describe both King David and the children of Yahweh, but it is also spoken of in reference to Yahshua, of course. The importance of the understanding lies in the truth that it is the same anointing Yahshua walked in to "lose his life to find it", is what all of the children of Yahweh are called to walk in. So what's the difference between His chosen in matters regarding this anointing? Obedience of course! Mental focus of course! The time one spends seeking the hidden things of course!
The 144,000 have long ago realized that, "This world is dead to I, and I to this world!", and have spent much time practicing this truth within. Piece by piece allowing the death that is necessary, the death of their own self, and trusting Yahweh for His promise, that He would resurrect their minds; a "sealing", as they obeyed!