Message 55
The 144,000 are not thin skinned in their approach to life. Is it any wonder that in the Hebrew language, thin skinned literally means "small bareness". They understand that to reach the commanded precept known as "perfection", a mind fully returned to Oneness with Yahweh and therefore Yahshua, it requires FULL bareness. A full bearing of the deep seated mental iniquities against Yahweh. They are humble in the right way, not from a weakness borne forth from mental insecurities, but rather from a deep understanding of Who Yahweh is and how they even came to the understanding that He is "Abba."
The 144,000 have many times embraced open rebuke ("chastisement") as part and parcel of their regeneration within and they have quietly taken on their wounds (“split"; the inner separation of the "self" will and Yahweh's will), as they realize they are the Father's way's to mental reconciliation. When Yahweh tells them that every painful, sorrowful, brutal, humbling internal moment, works for their "good" (Romans 8:28), they crucify (slaughter) every thought that fights against such a truth.
Over time, as per Yahweh's covenanted unilateral promise to brings minds back into conformity to His will, they have seen the internal battles diminish, replaced with new life (mind). And they recognize this new life as a "greater portion of His Mind within", which drives them further down the narrow path way of thinking. They hold deeply to words such as those at Acts 17:3 - " was necessary for Yahshua (the perfect representation of the "anointed" mind) to suffer.." They say to themselves, "If he had to die to his own will, so must I!"
Mental death to mental life; a process not for those thin of skin.