Message 56

The Hebrew word for seven is שכע sheba (sheh-bah). It's definition's are "be full, complete". To express the totality of what Yahweh would release of Himself into created, chosen souls, He called such, "Seven Minds".

At the book of Revelation we have occurrences wherein we hear of the seven Minds: "Yahchanan (commonly "John") to the seven (complete) congregations ("assemble, convoke"; differing mental gatherings within the mind) of the House (totality of Mind made allowable to man) of Yahweh, which are East (the front seat of the mind, "open" to information). Love and peace to you from Him Who was and Who is to come; and from the seven Minds which are before His Throne ("covered, plump"; internal place where one bows to Yahweh)." (Revelation 1:4)

"And at the Throne proceeded lightning's ("gleam, flashing"; brilliance of wisdom) and thundering ("call, sound"; overwhelming truths), and seven minds of fire ("burn, consume"; internal convictions) burning (convicting) before the Throne, which signify and represent (re-present; present again!) the complete plan of Yahweh." (Revelation 4:5)

"There will come forth (into mental view) a rod ("twig"; humility) out of the stem ("cut"; internal pruning) of Jesse ("extant"; the existing conscience), and a branch ("truth, guard"; upright mental faculty) will grow out of his roots (mental sowing). The Mind of Yahweh will rest upon him [the humble, separated conscience, bringing truth via praise (the Yahdah faculty); Yahshua]: The Mind of Wisdom ("experience, shrewdness") and Understanding ("intelligence"), The Mind of Counsel ("advice") and of Authority ("increase"; see Isayah 9:6; governmental authority), the Mind of Power ("force"), the Mind of Knowledge (the "yada" factor we previously spoke of: "to know") and of Reverence ("fearing") of Yahweh." (Isayah 11:1-2)

Father (Mighty Yahweh), son (Yahshua; "Yahweh saves") and Holy Mind (the seven part manifestation of what Yahweh would make available to chosen mind's, of and about how He thinks; that which "signifies and represents the complete plan!")!


Message 55


Message 57