Message 57
And their are other "mind's" of course; those not emanating from Yahweh and what He has allotted for mankind's mental boundaries. Will you confess from whence they come?
mind of deep sleep (“lethargy")
mind of lust (“twisted, obstinacy")
mind of anguish ("impatience")
mind of jealousy ("envious")
mind of wickedness ("bad")
mind of brokenness ("wander")
mind of vanity (“desolation”)
mind of vexation ("confusion")
proud ("arrogant") mind
And on and on and on it goes, right into the depths of sheowl שאוה (the mental "pit")
The 144,000 have done much due diligence towards understanding the seven Minds of Yahweh, for how can one unify with He and His son without knowing the depths of what He has made available? But they have also worked through the vastness of the mind's created of and by their own personal will (the Adam within every soul). They understand that the pattern to all mental healing comes via a prescribed command: Confess!!! The very message of "repentance" brought forth by the Immerser Yahchanan, and Yahshua himself. And if one is not tilling the soil of the mind to seek out all mindsets that are keeping them from utter unity with Yahweh, then how is one confessing the deep roots?? And if one is not confessing is there a changing Father at the helm? Or do we serve the One Who has said, "I change not!" (Malakyah 3:6)