Message 59

And so we look a little deeper into Yahshua's first manifestation of the Father's Presence, and the work accomplished within the mind of chosen souls:

"Now there were six ("overplus") water pots ("boil, thorn"; ability to retain) of stone ("build"; mentalities hardened against Yahweh's will)...Yahshua said to them (the 12 mental disciplines; disciples), 'Fill the pots (ability to retain and understand) with water (in this instance, the mind's dilutions; See "Liquidity", at  the "Yahweh's Kingdom- A Kingdom Of Thought" icon)'...And the water was made into wine (new, effervescing thoughts within)." (Yahchanan 2:6-9)

The 144,000 first had to contend with their own cynicism and doubt about the mysteries revealed in the Hebrew language. The carnal mind so conditioned by and of things physical, that to perceive Yahweh's Kingdom and therefore His language of His Kingdom was and is always speaking to things mental, took time. To understand that the mind manifests into the physical shadow lands is a certainty, yet the physical always being the after effect of the mental, is a crucial perspective necessary for the end of days. They understand that while all of the physical is being destroyed (and expression of the mind of fallen man being destroyed) that they will stay in complete peace; sober minded and sure. They realize that the physical plain was never Yahweh's domain on matters of restoration, and to hold on to the physical is to let go of Him. As with Shaul, they have become "dead" to this fallen plain and the fallen ideas of man that created it; the 5880 years given to this world about to expire (ending in 2045).

The 144,000 understand that Yahshua's first act of power was to take place within the minds of every single individual who claimed to be Yahweh's child: mental dilutions into effervescing life, all within!!!


Message 58


Message 60