Message 60
"Be angry ("breathe, enrage"), but do not sin (mentally "transgress" Yahweh's will); do not let the sun (“brilliance") go down on your wrath (mind's "countenance" while "enraged")." (Ephesians 4:26)
A mantra of the 144,000: Yahweh's Kingdom is the Kingdom within chosen souls; a Kingdom of Mind. And to realize that Yahweh has of course allotted sixty-six (66= 12; 12 speaks to "perfect governance" within) books to speak of and to that Kingdom is nothing to take lightly. To perceive that every verse and it's Hebraic intent, via every Hebrew letter letter and every word they form, speaks first and foremost to matters within, IS the great mystery of the Scriptures, now unveiled.
And so we look at the above verse and come to realize that the foremost enemy in all of mankind's life (active mind) is one's own personal thoughts that both defy and scorn Yahweh's will within. Other "humans" and/or "things" physical, never being the first target of one's inner wrath and anger. The 144,000 know exactly what the internal process "feels" like, those feelings being the thoughts they think and the impure emotions that follow them. And that the anger Yahweh seeks to squelch is truly a matter between each individual within his/her own mind, and the Mind of Yahweh within.
Listen closely loved one---one cannot mentally resurrect until one perceives the depths at which the personal will detests the will of Yahweh! Perhaps you might think harder about what Yahweh meant when He stated: "The heart ("center of intellect") is deceitful above all, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" (Yeremyah 17:9) And the answer is, those who understand their own enemies are always first within, it is they who can indeed know how wicked the personal will truly is.