Message 61

It would not be until Yahweh's enacted Unilateral (Yahweh alone upholds it) Mind Covenant, that man would again be able to perceive (mentally see) and understand (consciously hear) Yahweh's will within. The results of the "death will" of fallen man, in believing he could "choose" rather then simply obey Yahweh's "Yes!" and No!", was represented by Adam (the carnal will leading to belief in "self") and Eve ("giver"; carnal emotions and desires). It would not be necessary to line up every single human [thought] in order to see that same fall, over and over and over again.

The 144,000 understand that Yahweh's Mind Covenant was to remove the hardened intellect (heart of stone) from His chosen children ("builders"), via His placement of His own will within those souls; His Temple within. And until every single word of His Mind patterns (Laws) was recited by Mosheh (the conscience that "draws out" the will of Yahweh), there was not yet accountability to be able to now "choose" right. Indeed, until Yahweh enacted His Mind Covenant mankind would never obey commands to the fullest, but rather, activate a death will that would always lead them to defy His commands.

At Deuteronomy 29:4 one comes to see the specific day the Renewed Covenant begins: "But to this very day Yahweh has not given you a mind of understanding, nor eyes that see, nor ears that hear."

And so for the first time ever, via Yahweh's implanted will and the enactment on a "very day", chosen souls could let Yahweh's will be done again! The "choosing" of blessings activated ONLY by His will, or the old pattern of activating one's own will (that is always geared towards death) for the curses He speaks to. Now that the Renewed Covenant is enacted, two wills exist within the chosen; will of Yahweh and personal fallen will.

The 144,000 bask in the will of Yahweh; that which leads to mental salvation. They also despise the idea of a will that could ever be "free" unless it obeyed every single word Yahweh ever said.


Message 60


Message 62