Message 63

Lazy men cry out "Semantics!", while the 144,000 pay attention to every Hebrew letter, the words they form and their definitions, and of course the Hebraic intent found within the context of each and every verse applicable to any matter. Each "detail" considered a deeper mystery yet to be unveiled. Everything matters!

Far too often the masses of those who claim "belief" and "faith" set details aside and go for the broader picture. Believing that by making blanket statements like, "Well it's all about love!", without even being able to define the 16 pillars of love, will keep them in obedience to Yahweh. Yahshua spoke to a broad minded view at Matthew 7:13-14;

"Enter in (into Yahweh's Mental Presence) through the narrow ("tight, cramp"; refined) gate ("opening, split"; minds mental entrances); for wide ("broad"; loose thinking) is the way (mind path) that leads to destruction ("fracture, ruin"; deprivation), and many are those who go that way. Because straight ("prosperous, across"; no mental turning) is the gate, and narrow (mentally refined) is the way which leads to life (prosperous mind) and few who find it."

The 144,000 have internal warning signs that become beacons within, and this based upon their deep zeal for every letter of every word that leads to the specific intent Yahweh speaks. And when others scoff at such under the guise of practiced words such as "Legalist!", they remember the words of Yahshua: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for my Namesake ("Yahweh saves")." The Law is a legal matter of course, but it's total intent is to teach one how to think and therefore love exactly as Yahweh and Yahshua do. Is that really legalism?


Message 62


Message 64