Message 64

Not semantics but specific! The 144,000 understand that the multiplicity of verses (those likened to Isayah 53:10-12, Hebrews 2:10 and 5:8) reveal that Yahshua was indeed "made perfect through suffering". An Adam (carnal life force within) who after all the tests, never failed! The "Adam" every man, and the "Eve" every woman, was meant to be in the protected (garden) mind space. The place where commands alone existed and where followed; no enactment of a personal will ever to be fulfilled. Yahshua, the "mind giving" Adam who never fell from the Father's Mind, though he indeed had a will that could have done so! The mantra keeper: "Not my will, Thy will! Not my will, Thy will!, Not my will, Thy will..."

Confirmed by his many words, all speaking to true reality: "The Father is Greater then I!" A matter upheld in and eternity that both he and the Father already inhabit: "When he has done this (see verses 25-27; the things he accomplished), then the son himself (Yahshua) will be SUBJECT (still be in service too; emphasis mine) to Him [Yahweh] Who put all things under him, so that Yahweh (in eternity) may be the Supreme Head over all (including Yahshua)." (1 Corinthians 15:25-28)

The 144,000 believe every word Yahshua spoke and THEY UNDERSTAND THE HIDDEN MYSTERIES OF HIS WORDS. Let's listen to him speak again: "Why call me righteous? There is only One Who is the standard of perfect righteousness, and that is Yahweh---only." (Luke 13:19). He had the master key that came from supreme intimacy with the Father.


Message 63


Message 65