Message 66

To the 144,000 there is no man made doctrine more destructive to the soul then that which say's, "The Law has been done away with!" Rather then the truth that, "A Law without faith is impossible to achieve, but keeping His Law (Mind patterns) of and by faith is 100% commanded!", they throw out the baby and the bathwater. The 144,000 realize the Law (Covenanted Mind Patterns, showing a mind how Yahweh thinks) was the Modus Operandi that Yahshua gauged his every thought by. That the Father's Mind is the Law; the boundaries of His Mind He allotted to mankind. And that in order to keep the Father's Mind, they keep the Law by faith! The very same "faith/belief" that was "accounted to Abram/Abraham as righteousness (right thinking)."

Let's listen to Yahshua himself on the matter: "Do not think that I have come to destroy that Law or the prophets: I have not come to destroy them, but to establish them." (Mattithyah 5:17) And at verses 18-20 of the same chapter, he then ups the ante!

Yahshua was fully engaged in the truth that the "word/plan" that came to life, was his life (mind) manifested in and of utter obedience. And that the very blueprints he was following (the Law) was that which would lead him and guide him at every twist and turn that tempted his own mind. For he knew the Law screamed: "Think like this!" Without the Law there was no internal tutor leading the mind to right thinking (righteousness), and that the pattern has not changed "one yod." (Matthew 5:18)

The 144,000 realize that not only did Yahshua establish and accomplish the entire Law of Yahweh, but that he did so to show chosen souls exactly how to repeat his life and do the same. As the chief cornerstone ("blow, extremity"; solid foundation of all mental boundaries allotted by Yahweh as permissible thinking), he would be the one to look to as they faced every moment of the commanded death they were facing, and they would step all the way in.


Message 65


Message 67