Message 67

The Hebrew word is câphar ספר (saw-far'). It's definition's are "inscribe, enumerate, celebrate". This word is often utilized in Scripture and the Hebraic intent is to illustrate that Yahweh Himself, "Writes upon the the tablets of our minds", what His will is for every occasion. Whether or not we perceive what He is writing is in fact correlated to our mental view of "How?" this process is patterned and manifested by Him. Can you see how this work within the mind would fulfill everything the definitions say it will? It's about His overtaking of our personal will and inevitably, the joy, peace and love we receive in this. Though His process to remove the fallen will is a pattern that includes the necessity of suffering within (and yes even physically), the suffering is very purposed; it has a mission to accomplish! His entire language, the Hebrew language, was created to make creation itself. Yes that is correct, the first thing He created was a language that when spoken would cause the rest of creation: "Let there be light!" Each Hebrew letter imbued with power so that when spoken, creates! And so when we think Hebraically, we ONLY THEN truly line up with His perfect will; His perfect way of thinking, thus allowing us to also create all that was allotted to us within His will!

The modern day word for câphar would be “cipher”. Amazingly, it's definition hits the mark 100% - "A secret or disguised way of writing."

The 144,000 know that when Yahshua spoke to the 12 disciples (mental disciplines), upon being asked why he spoke in parables, his response was itself mysterious: "For to them [mind's "foreign" to Yahweh's ways) it has NOT (emphasis mine) been given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom (a Kingdom that he spent much time describing as that which was "within" chosen souls)." They know that every single word, verse and story (the context) of all of Scripture, speaks to matters of "How one not only thinks wrongly, but how to think exactly as Yahweh thinks." Simply put it is:

Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant (Contract) with chosen souls, to do His work unto the redeeming of the individual mind back into Oneness with His Mind (mental perfection = salvation).


Message 66


Message 68