Message 68

"What is it?"

"It" is because of mankind's willful acts; defiance against all that Yahweh commanded. Under mankind's false guise; a will that could be "free" apart from solely keeping his commands, Yahweh set into His eternal plan a lengthy reclamation period within each soul--- each soul He would choose to come back into mental Oneness with Himself. When Yahweh enacted His Unilateral Mind Covenant, after again revealing all commands under a Renewed Covenant (see Deuteronomy 29:4), it would be forty years of mentally nourishing a people [congregation of thoughts], and yet many would still say at the end of that time, "What is it?"

The Hebrew word is mân מן (mawn). It's definition is "whatness?". It's root word is ma מן (maw), and it's definition's are "what?, how?, why?, when?". Yes indeed, it is realized that this word is systematically translated as the very "manna" being fed to the minds that have been deemed worthy to leave behind Egypt (the mind's love of the material, physical life). And yet because of the ever leeching personal will and it's desires, it causes a soul to misunderstand what Yahweh is attempting to do with the message(s) He places within a mind meant for reconciliation. When His thoughts enter in, via His placement of such, the longing soul misunderstands His work within and cries out, "What is it? What is it that You are saying I must do?"

And in this the 144,000 realize that Yahweh indeed, in His eternal compassion, starts everyone off as "babes on milk". He allows for misuse of His Name (using pagan terms such as "God" and "Lord" and "Jesus") and answers prayers, but as a matter of His Sovereign election over a soul, and not as a blessing for diligence unto OBEDIENCE! Compassion is heavily required of the 144,000 for these reasons and many more. They never forget that they too had to be "weaned like a child on it's mothers breast," in order to fully grasp what the "manna" of EVERYTHING intends to say. They leave much room for others to grow and to learn to enjoy their manna from heaven and yet, they see clearly that very few will choose to do so.


Message 67


Message 69