Message 71
The Hebrew word is zâhâb זהב (zaw-hawb'). Its definition's are "shimmer, clear". This word is systematically translated almost four hundred time in the Scriptures as the word "gold". Though a currency of the Kingdom within, it is indeed NOT valued above silver (the mind's longing for real love within; Yahweh's love). Instead zahab, with it's Hebraic intent intact, is the mind's internal quest for wisdom and intelligence. And yes just like silver, Yahweh's chosen children ("builders") are told to be aware of the counterfeits: human "love" and human "wisdom". The kinds that always fail as they are not rooted and grounded in His pure love (silver).
The 144,000 understand that when Yahshua asked whose "face" (mental countenance) was on the gold coin (the currency of wisdom and intellect) he was told, "Caesar's!" ("sharp"; human borne intellect and wit) And of course his reply was perfect: "Render ("turn"; give credence to) unto Caesar (the counterfeit gold) what is Caesar's, and Yahweh what is [real wisdom and intellect] Yahweh's." (Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25). Let's look at one or more verse for good mental measure (weight): "I [Yahweh] counsel you to buy (mentally "possess") gold (wisdom and intelligence) tried (proven) in the fire ("Yahweh's judgments and convictions seared into the mind) from Me, that you might be rich (mentally prosperous)." (Revelation 3:18)
Indeed the 144,000 know that the gold currency of Yahweh's Kingdom is wisdom and understanding. They also know that it only comes via the fire placed within the mind. A fire they have learned to welcome, as it is a dross (mental "refuse") removing, internal cleansing fire.