Message 72

The 144,000 know all to well that all of life physical and all of it's attributes is merely a faulty shadow ("shade, excise"; dim understanding) of the true Kingdom, the Kingdom within. And they also see that because of this deep seated truth, when they look upon the physical world and it's utter chaos, the truth further manifests: "This is what the mind of man (fallen thoughts) has created. This is the produce of the carnal will." They understand why Yahweh's wrath must first come within, to then reach without (life physical).

And so to understand that everything physical is ALWAYS a manifestation of everything mental, becomes a simple matter: Thoughts always precede the physical actions! And in this well rounded wisdom (Yahweh's gold) comes the understanding (more gold) of material  matters that are indeed of use and value in the physical help we offer to others; a Joseph mentality if you will.

To understand things like how mankind has mocked the currency of the Kingdom and it's intended physical manifestation (See Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States), subverting such with the fake currencies (debt notes known as "dollar bills", Bills of Exchange, promissory notes, etc.) of fallen minds, we learn why gold and silver is no longer "money" in regards to modern banks. The fake love (silver) and the false wisdom (gold), creating things that have no value whatsoever other then what the very few can manipulate the masses into believing for the moment.

And so the 144,000, with their proper perspective of the Hebrew language and it's intent, understand Yahweh's Kingdom and for this they also see what matters in the fallen kingdom (shadowlands) of life physical. They understand that he who holds the real thing in both realms (Yahweh's love (physical silver), and Yahweh's wisdom and intelligence (physical gold)) is he/she who will thrive in the end of days; day's of utter destruction and death for the rest. Day's of famine (within and without).


Message 71


Message 73