Message 73

Having recently revealed that the Hebraic intent for gold (“shimmer, clear”) is, “The Kingdom currency of wisdom and intellect, of and from Yahweh!”, we look at a few distinct verses from the book of Revelation; a book near and dear to the minds of the 144,000:

“...And the city (“waking, opening”; thought habitation) was pure gold (wisdom and intelligence), like clear glass (“seen”; mental vision).” (Revelation 21:18)

“And the street (“width, broaden”; perceptibility) of the city was pure (holy) gold (wisdom and intelligence), transparent (unashamed) as glass (perfect mental vision).” (Revelation 21:21)

The 144,000 understand the above verses speak to an eternal MENTAL position, and that the “first heaven (exalted thoughts once necessary) and the first earth (fallen thought plain) had passed away.” (Revelation 21:1) And the true reality is that everyone, yes everyone in the new Kingdom, will have perfect wisdom and intelligence according to their allotted place within the Kingdom. It is important for the 144,000 to remember that Yahweh's love knows no “respect of persons” (Acts 10:34) in reference to the earth soon to be passed, and there is still work to be done as “position” means nothing apart from the love of Yahweh. Yes, they also perceive that in His Kingdom to come there is hierarchy (Revelation 4:4), but not as the carnal mind views such. Everything in His Kingdom will be in complete love and pure wisdom and intelligence, and yet still, to the measure allotted to each soul chosen for mental eternity with Yahweh and Yahshua. There are some mysteries that have yet to be unveiled, but the 144,000 trust that when they come, everything will be made as clear as glass.


Message 72


Message 74