Message 74

We remember that in reference to the Kingdom of thought, we have come to understand that "nations" other then Israel speaks to the "mass of divisions" within ones mind; strongly held ideas (constructs) that the personal will has a hard time letting go of. The 144,000 have done a great work in handing over those inner nations as they realize everything after the handing over is Yahweh's declared dominion: "Yahweh your Father (Mind Chief) will drive ("expatriate, divorce"; separate mentally) out those nations (strongly held to mental divisions, constructs within) from in front (the mind's forefront) of you little ("few, lessen") by little. You will not destroy them [the mass of divided thoughts within] all at once, or the beasts ("raw, active, unruly" thoughts in the mind) of the field ("spread, flat"; thought plain) would become too numerous..." (Deuteronomy 7:22)

Before we move forward, have you stopped to ask yourself, "If this was all speaking about physical life and it's matters, why would beasts seem to cause such a problem for Yahweh's children? Bad animals are a problem?"

"But Yahweh your Father will hand them [physical animals or unruly thoughts??? physical countries or strongly divisive ideas???] over to you, inflicting defeat upon them, until they are destroyed (removed from one's thought plain). He will deliver their kings ("reigning" thoughts leading the inner divisions) in your hand (mental grasp), and you will blot ("stroke, erase"; consciously remove) out their names (conscious character) from the earth (lower thought plain of souls yet fully reconciled to Yahweh's will). No one (not one unruly thought) will be able to withstand you, and you will destroy them." (Deuteronomy 7:23-24)

Can you see the mercy and love in the process? The 144,000 can. "Yahweh will will destroy." His power, your submission, VICTORY! The 144,000 see it very well.


Message 73


Message 75