Message 75
It's an unusual thing, Kingdom power. It rarely displays itself in ways that fallen minds perceive power to be. Indeed it is a power birthed forth from within and it's physical manifestations are often unseen. Not because they are not evident, more so because it takes Kingdom eyes (perceptions) and ears (understandings) to witness them. Carnal minds (carnal man) see power as a tool to carnal wealth and position; those things "self" created. And because it takes a will set against Yahweh to achieve such things, it is by brute force, trickery, and much compromise that these things come.
The Hebrew word is ta'ătsûmâh תעצמות (tah-ats-oo-maw'). It's definition's are "might, bind". One of several Hebrew words relating to things imbued to the minds of chosen souls, a word commonly translated as "power". The 144,000 know it means power Yahweh's way, and who would best express and illustrate this power placed into chosen minds, and the effects of such in the physical realm? Yes indeed, it is Yahshua.
Everything Yahshua did was a direct manifestation of Yahweh's Mind, His image, and therefore what Yahweh's "world" was to be perceived and understood as. And Yahshua's expression of the Father's power is best summed up in his very few words, spoken under dire and extreme circumstances: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) The 144,000 know very well who the "them" is that Yahshua was referring to. They know it was NOT the wicked ones who he said were NOT his, but "those that the Father gave" him. Yes indeed, the 144,000 have long realized it was them, and you (believer), he was asking the Father to forgive.
Absolute power expressed as mercy and beauty in the harshest of conditions! Kingdom power never found in the fallen mind, but only of and from the will of the Father within.