Message 76

The Hebrew word is shâkab שככ (shaw-kab'). It's definitions are "lie, rest". Often translated as the word "sleep”, this is what happens to the mind when the physical body dies. The mind sleeps until a later appointed time, a time for the final judgment. All men who have previously met the grave ("enter"; passing into a state of mental rest) will face what Yahshua called the "hour": "For the hour ("look, gaze, moment") is coming in which all those who are in the graves (mind's rest) will hear His voice, and He will come forth (into the mind's view). Those who have practiced righteousness (right thinking) will rise (be consciously exalted to meet Yahweh's Mind); and those who have practiced wickedness ("bad" thinking, all self induced) will rise (be made "alert") to be condemned ("declare wrong")." (Yahchanan 5:29)

The 144,000 understand that heaven ("be aloft, lofty") and sheowl ("retreat"; often translated as "hell") are eternal STATES OF MIND! Not physical but mental! A conscience either brought into total Oneness of thought with Yahweh and Yahshua, or a conscience forever banned from Their mental presence; hell indeed!


Message 75


Message 78