Message 78

"But as many ["as many thoughts"] as are doing the works (the mind's "action") outside (apart from recognition of) the Law (Yahweh's Mind patterns) are under a curse ("vilify"). For it is written [at Deuteronomy 27:26]: 'Cursed is everyone (every single thought) who does not continue in all things which are written ("engraved"; marked on the conscience by Yahweh) in the Book of Law [Deuteronomy], to do them.' That no man being outside of the Law is justified (mentally "just") before Yahweh, that is evident, for the just (mentally "right") will live by faith ("establish, secure") AND THE LAW IS NOT CONTRARY ("hostile") TO THE FAITH, FOR THE MAN WHO DOES THESE THINGS [Lawful thoughts] WILL LIVE BY THEM [Laws = Mind patterns].'" (emphasis mine) (Galatians 3:10-12)

The 144,000 know that the only proper understanding of all that is spoken in the Renewed Covenant, of and about the Old Covenant, can be summed up as such: By faith we keep Yahweh's Laws, therefore practicing righteousness (I Yahchanan (John) 3:7, III Yahchanan verse 11), and walking in the Mind Patterns (Laws) of Yahweh. And to say things such as, "The Law has been done away with!", is utter foolishness. The misnomer that it is somehow a "new" covenant runs rampant, while both Yahshua and Shaul spoke clearly that it was indeed a "renewal" of that which was spoken by Mosheh long ago. The modern day church scoffs at the idea of a political class that would "defund" the police, and yet they so easily brush off the Laws of Mighty Yahweh. Rise up O sleeper! Rise!


Message 76


Message 77