Message 79
There is a word for it. The actual Hebrew word is châshab חשכ (khaw-shab'). It's definition's are "fabricate, devise".
The 144,000 are intimately aware that when it comes to matters of the mind and all of it's thought processes, anything other the mind acting upon the will of Yahweh is known as chashab; Devising!
"Then the men [each man a body of thought within] of Israel (thoughts intended to be "ruled by and for Yahweh's power") took some of their provisions ("chase, catch"; attempts to think for one's self), but the decision ("be alert") of Yahweh they did not ask." (Yahshua 9:14) And the amazing yet saddening truth of the matter within every mind is to remember the provision of Yahweh and to leave it behind anyway:
"This bread (mind food) of ours was warm ("be hot"; luring) when we packed at home (the mind "building" Yahweh's will) on the day we set to come to you. But look (perceive) now (now that the "devising" has set in) it [the mind food] is dry ("be ashamed, confused") and moldy ("decay"). And these wine-skins (effervescing bareness before the Father) that we filled were new (rebuilding), but now (after devising ones own path within) see how cracked (fractured) they are. And our clothes (mind's "covering") and sandals ("fasten"; connections to mental stability) have become worn out by the very long journey ("trodden"; mind's courses)." (Yahshua 9:12-13)
Indeed the 144,000 have learned well to never devise their own plans and they do so with internal memorials. They remember the times that were sweet and joyful and they endure when the times are not. They remain content in all things with Yahweh's lead and always remain fiercely aware that making plans apart from the will of Yahweh is fool's gold.