Message 80

"And he [Yahshua] said, 'To what is the Kingdom [King's Dome] of Yahweh like? To what should I compare it? It is like leaven ("swelling"), which a woman (the mind's understanding and emotions) took and mixed (weaved) in three measures ("define, determinative") of flour ("strip"), until all of it [the mind's food] was leavened (swelled).'" (Luke 13:20-21)

The 144,000 have learned well to always seek out Yahweh's Kingdom within, and they learn to perceive that every word Yahshua ever spoke was of and about that very Kingdom within. They learn how to decipher Hebraic intent, thereby allowing them to look past the surface of things, into the depths of Yahweh's portion of His Mind He allotted to chosen souls. They can literally write out the hidden mysteries within every single verse given in the Scriptures, verses like those above:

"To what is Yahweh's Mind within chosen mind's like? To what could it be compared? It is like a great swelling of prosperous thinking, which when understood both logically and emotionally, is understood to be step by step process wherein the renewing mind is built (weaved) via a removing (stripping) of all that remains of one's own personal will. Until all that is left in one's processes of thought is the fullness (full swell) of Yahweh's will."


Message 79


Message 81