Message 8


Reading Genesis 1:14 we see that the sun and moon have been appointed to announce "signs and seasons (Feasts)".

Now go read Yôwʼêl (Joel) 2:31 and Acts 2:20

In 2015 there was five blood moons and in that same year there was a complete eclipse of the sun in mid day.

Now go read Yahshua's words at Mattithyâh (Matthew) 24:29 (also found at Markŏs (Mark) 13:24 and Lŏukas (Luke) 21:25)

Finally we see that at Revelation 6:12, we have the same event that sets up for the wrath of the Father at the 6th and 7th seals.

The 144,000 know that it is completely and utterly not necessary to know the “day or hour” of all that is about to come, as the signs and season have been made clear and we are to be on watch every day! The 5 blood moons and the total eclipse of the sun in 2015 set the stage for the enactment of the process to begin!

If you need the timeline of exactly when things will transpire as per Scripture, simply ask and you shall receive it!!!!


Message 7


Message 9