Message 9
Timing is everything!!!!
The "70 weeks" of Dânîyêʼl (Daniel) 9:24 is a specific set time in history, and into the future. A "Jubilee" cycle is 49 years NOT 50! The 50th year as per Scripture is actually the first year of a new 49 year cycle! So we see that the 70 weeks (cycles) is 70 X 49, which equals 3430 years! Historically it can be proven this is the exact time from 1385 B.C. to 2045 C.E. (current era).
The "62 weeks" of Daniel 9:26 would of course be 62 X 49, which is 3038 years. This is the exact time of 1042 B.C (the time of King David) to 1996 C.E.
Do you see how the 62 weeks ends in 1996 and the 70 weeks ends in 2045; that's exactly one 49 year cycle. The last 49 year cycle of earth as we know it!