Message 85
Yahshua spoke to them----probably what is best defined as "hard sayings". When he did so we find that many "left him and went their way." Many of the Kingdom necessities run directly paradox to thousands of years of man's traditions. Not "gentile" tradition, but church tradition; from those who claim to be "of" the faith. Hard sayings are hard lessons. If you were to ever ask your Pastor or those whom you would call a spiritual leader, "Can I trust you?", what do you believe they would say? Will you listen to a hard saying today? By even asking a question as such, you invite a curse into your life, and his potentially. If he answers, "Why yes, you can trust me!", or even "I hope so!", then indeed he too has invited the curse.
“This is what Yahweh says; Cursed is the man who trusts in man, who makes flesh (the raw, active thoughts, yet redeemed; also in life physical, other humans) his arm ("strength"); and whose heart ("center of intellect") DEPARTS (emphasis mine) from Yahweh." (Yeremyah 17:5) Trusting in any man equals departing from Yahweh. And what is the exact curse?
"For he [the thought/one trusting in man] will be like a Juniper ("nudity"; shame) in the desert ("sterile"; mentally dead), and will not see (mentally perceive) success when it comes, but will inhabit (mentally dwell in) parched ("acrid, burn") places (mind spaces) in the wilderness ("driving"; burdened); a salt ("disappear") land not inhabited." (Yeremyah 17:6)
The 144,000 know how much the fallen will wants to compromise and seek out both help and praise from other broken minds. They know that "counsel" is permitted, but not to receive answers from men, but rather, the directions to Yahweh and to His answers alone. How hard it is for the soul to ignore the very specific and very clear verses such as those above; to find a way to say "Yeah but...!" The 144,000 spend time on the hard sayings. They consider them as entrance ways to true intimacy with Yahweh and Yahshua.