Message 84

"This is the day ("hot, illumination") Yahweh has made (allowed for); we will rejoice ("brighten") and be glad ("blithe") in it. " (Psalm 118:24)

The 144,000 are learning and in many ways have mastered the hidden Hebraic intent in verses such as the above. They understand what Yahweh intends and they speak it forth in such a way: "If Yahweh Himself has stated that my entire life (mind activity made prosperous and clean) is found ONLY 'through the knowledge of Him', (2 Kepha (Peter) 1:3-10) then my physical situations should have nothing to do with anything about my internal mental state! Whether imprisoned or stranded or alone, none of these physical factors have ever been part of the equation of why a mind is to be filled with His joy, peace, and love, always. His presence within is the sole factor for EVERYTHING one needs, to fulfill all that relates to 'life and holiness'. Wholeness is only ever first within, and the life of the shadowlands (physical) is indeed a testing zone, but again, true life is formed within!"

The 144,000 know there is work to do and as previously discussed they "Take every thought captive unto the obedience of the anointing!" This interior analysis, always about whether or not each thought lives up to the truth as Yahweh decrees truth to be. If not they understand that confession is the patterned process for the mind's healing. All mind healing comes via the confession of each and every wrong thought, every time. We spoke to this, that the process within one's mind may seem like "a thousand deaths," and yet we remember that each death is only equivalent to the amount of resistance to His will. In this the 144,000 humble themselves. It no longer is a matter of "How long must I endure?", but rather, "How much of my own will is that resistant to Them?"


Message 83


Message 85