Message 83

"Do you not understand (consciously "stand under") that you ARE (emphasis mine) the House ("build"; mind's full body of thought) of Yahweh, and that the Mind (active Life) of Yahweh dwells in you? If anyone [any one thought] defiles ("be foul, boil") the House of Yahweh, Yahweh will destroy him [the active, foul thought]. For the House of Yahweh is Holy ("be clean") which you [mind chosen for sanctification] are." (I Corinthians 3:16-17)

The 144,000 know when verses other then "Be perfect!", are speaking the same exact message. Those indirectly direct verses that have guided their mind's unto the eternal destiny predestined for them: "This is the way, walk in it!" A voice they hear at all times and more often then not, it's not an audible voice, but a peaceful knowing (the "yada" we previously explored). An inner peace that say's "Yes!" or "No!", about every prayer and supplication laid at the foot of His Throne within. Can you see it loved one? Is it your minds chief desire? Think not that though the 144,000 have been "practicing" righteousness (right thinking) for a long time, that Yahweh won't rapidly update one's mind to fit right in. It's the cry of the mind that He listens for. What's your cry?


Message 82


Message 84