Message 82
Two seas, two men. We already know that each man is an “Adam”; an existing conscience of "self” fulfillment. Prayerfully you have been chosen for redemption, as it is the only way back to mental Oneness with Yahweh. The Hebrew word for "sea(s)" is yâm ים (yawm). It's definition's are "roar, noisy".
It is often misunderstood that the "Red Sea" is also known as the "Reed Sea". A noisy roar caught between Egypt (the material "limits" the carnal mind longs to overcome) and Arabia ("sterility, dusky"; unfruitful thinking). We know that the Hebraic intent of the Red Sea is none other then the "noisy roar within one's mind, produced by carnality," and having the definition, "erect". We find that the Reed Sea would be the "mind's pride and arrogance against Yahweh, that causes the mind great tumultuousness." The 144,000 know they are saying the same thing with a little different flavor; perfectly acceptable when Hebraic intent is truly realized. So we see that it is those thoughts that "draw out (Mosheh)" the will of Yahweh that allows one to leave behind a carnal love of the material life and the pride involved in such, and helps us "cross over (Hebrew)" to the new mental territory.
There was another man named Yahshua (yes, a precursor to the one “made perfect”). It was this Yahshua (who somehow got the translation "Joshua," while the perfected one got the name "healing Zeus") who would lead Yahweh's chosen to cross over the thoughts that would cause “decrease” (Jordan) within. Taking us away from the negative, into a promised land (firmly held to thoughts and ideas) of milk ("richness, substance") and honey ("stickiness, sweetness"); a land of mental wholeness. A precursor to exactly what Yahshua of the Renewed Covenant would actually make fully available to us.
The 144,000 contemplate both seas within, and both realms of thought (each "man") that allow one to cross over into Yahweh's will; the Goodness promised. Each and every journey meditated upon, for the answers are found within the journey, and not by skirting ("self" reliance) them for an "easier" way. They go forward into the will of Yahweh, knowing that it was never intended to be pretty, but rather, holy. And in holiness is indeed beauty.