Message 92

     Diverse-adj.- showing a great deal of variety; very different

The 144,000 know well that every notion of the self will is inevitably, vehemently opposed to Yahweh's will. Inevitable? Of course for we have learned that Yahweh has said to fail at any one point of His Law (Mind patterns) is to fail at them all. The mantra of the fallen mindset/fallen mankind in this day and age, is as such: "It's our diversity that makes us one!" A message borne forth from Bâbel (confusion), and one that seeks to bring harm against those who find it frivolous to it's core; the children of Yahweh being those who perceive how ridiculous it is! The world (totality of fallen mindedness/ fallen men) loves it's cultures counter to that which brings inner wholeness. Yahweh's culture is  inclusive and it's focus is utter unity, but not from differences of course, but from that which Yahweh Alone says is truth or a lie. It is specific! It is never changing! It is Holy! It is anything but diverse! And of course it is closed to all who do not conform! (Exodus 12:9, 12:49, 23:12, 29:33, Yahchanan 10:4-5, and many more verses)

The 144,000 stand firm in the true reality that "very different" in regards to foundational truths, means "very wrong". They fully comprehend that idea that Yahweh gives "gifts ("present")" to individuals (Ephesians 4:8), but only to maintain the goal of, "Keeping unity of the Mind [Yahweh's] in the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:3) Not for carnal personality traits, but unto the holiness held up with every single (613 total) Law that Yahweh spoke through Mosheh.

Yahweh is allowing the minds of carnal men to die (forever be void of His input), and with it the fullness of His plan allows for a wickedness greater then ever seen before in the land of shadows (the physical plain). Rise up O sleeper, and remember that wickedness is under His authority in the same way righteousness is. Yahweh is about to destroy all carnally minded diversity, and with it the physical men and women who propagate it. But before this, He will let their pomp have a time wherein it would seem it would almost prevail. Remember Who He is, as this transpires.


Message 91


Message 93