Message 91

"For to bind ("tie") anything by Law (Mind Patterns) it must be purged (rid) of blood (carnality; the “Adam” within every mind); so without the shedding ("spill, expend") of blood (carnal life force within) there is no remission ("freedom, pardon"). Therefore it is necessary that the pattern (minds building blocks) of the heavenly (lofty thinking) things should be purified with these [mental "slaughtering"], but the heavenly things themselves are better sacrifices then these. For the anointed one [Yahshua] has not entered into the holy (clean) places made with hands (carnal grasping), patterns of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the Presence (conscious "countenance") of Yahweh for us [chosen souls]; nor did he enter to offer himself again and again (as if undone), the way the High Priest ("mediate, officiate"; thoughts upholding Yahweh's Holiness) enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood (mental life force) belonging to others---For then he [Yahshua] would have had to suffer again and again since the foundation of the world (totality of man made thinking); but now once, for all, in the end of the age, he has appeared to do away with sin (mental transgression) by the sacrifice (slaughter) of himself (his "self" will), and it is appointed to men once [having shed full carnality] to die (the 144,000 having done so while still physically alive), but after this the judgment. So also Yahshua was offered (fully dead to his own will) to bear (mentally carry and pay for) the sins of many [many fallen thoughts/ many men]; and unto those who look for him (Revelation 6:10) he appears a second time (at the 6th seal of Revelation), apart from sin (freed from "self") unto salvation (a saved mind; perfection)." (Hebrews 9:22-28)

The 144,000 understand very well that this is among the most prolific and clear, of verses that speaks to their very own destiny. One that does not include a physical death, and yet perfection is granted; a sealing, (Revelation 7:3).


Message 90


Message 92