Message 90

Shâ'ûwl (thoughts "desiring" Yahweh's will) understood the complexities of the Hebrew language and it's intent. Who better to send to those [thoughts and men] foreign (gentiles) to the ways of Yahweh, then a scholar from the mental faculty/tribe of Binyâmîn (“faith"). He knew that Yahweh's food was an internal issue and he agreed readily with Yahshua who said, "My food is to do the will of He Who sent me, and to finish his work." (Yahchanan 4:34)

And Shâ'ûwl's words when speaking of Yahweh, was that He, "Did righteousness by giving us rain (“pour") from heaven ("be lofty, aloft"; the exalted thought expanse) and fruitful seasons ("appointment"; meeting times in which He pours out His will, a/k/a, "Feasts"), filling ("satisfy") our hearts (“center of intellect”) with food (wisdom and understanding bathed in love) and gladness (mental "glee")." (Acts 14:17)

By now you've seen the use of the term "Mind Patterns", in regards to Yahweh's Laws for His chosen ones. It's not some random use of words loved one. The Hebrew word for "pattern" is tabnîyth תכנית (tab-neeth'). It's definition's are "structure, build". A call to His elect to repair their mind's back into Oneness with Himself. A verse should help you gain more clarity:

"And see that you make them [the instruments ("prepared, receptacles") for the Temple within] according to the pattern (specific way of repairing) which was shown to you on the mountain (Yahweh's "looming" oversight of every thought we think)." (Exodus 25:40) And on that mountain many more then "10" commands were given loved one. Many more.

The 144,000 are also keenly aware of the Hebraic intent of each instrument Yahweh utilizes in building His Temple/Sanctuary within chosen souls. The color of the threads used, the tables, the spoons, everything has it's deeper meaning. Perhaps you are already saying , "I shall go seek to find!"


Message 89


Message 91