Message 89

The Hebrew word for plague(s) is nega' ננע (neh'-gah). It's definition is "infliction". It's root word is nâga' ננע (naw-gah'); "lay the grasp upon, strike".


     Plague 1 - "water into blood"- Hebraic intent: all clear thought streams given over to                              carnality


     Plague 2 - "frogs ("skip, return")"- Hebraic intent: scattered, confusion within one's 



     Plague 3 - "gnats ("fasten, set")"- Hebraic intent: turmoil, nagging thoughts within


     Plague 4 - "flies ("swarming, intermix")"- Hebraic intent: overwhelming thoughts


     Plague 5 - "infliction upon cattle ("acquisition, procure")"- Hebraic intent:          destruction of all former mental reliance's created by the personal will


     Plague 6 - "boils ("burn")"- Hebraic intent: consuming guilt


     Plague 7 - "hail ("stones")"- Hebraic intent: given over to pride and arrogance


     Plague 8- "locusts ("rapid, increase")"- Hebraic intent: given over to anxiety and fear


     Plague 9 - "death of firstborn ("burst")"- Hebraic intent: no fruitful thinking allowed    to enter in


     The 144,000 understand that the entire intent was to do exactly what Yahweh said: "I will harden ("seize, obstinate") Pharaoh's (belief in one's own intellect) heart (“center of intellect”). Even though I will multiply [the mind's plagues] My signs ("appearing, come") and My wonders ("portent, clarity") in the land (firmly held to lower thought plain) of Egypt (the mind's carnal affection for materialism)." (Exodus 7:3) And they know this will happen to all who choose to not walk (mentally "go") in the ways of Yahweh. A mind totally depraved and sick with plagues----eternally.


Message 88


Message 90