Message 330
“This image's (“shade, illusion”; mental make up) head (“shake”; leading thoughts) of fine (“good”) gold (belief in human wisdom, yet refined into belief only in Yahweh's wisdom; physically, the Babylonian (“confusion”) kingdom), his breast (“seen”, revealed mass) and arms (“anxious”; feigning strength within) of silver (false perceptions of love; physically, the Medo-Persian (belief in self sufficiency and psychic powers) kingdom), his stomach (“be soft, sympathy) and his thighs (“recess, softness”) of bronze (“hiss”; the carnal whisper within. This is the Hebrew word (nâchâsh) erroneously translated as “serpent” in several scriptures including Genesis 3:1; physically the kingdom of Greece (“effervescing”)), his legs (“runner, over flow”; carnal stabilities that overtake the mind) of iron (“cutting, piercing”), his feet (mental going) part iron (piercing) and part clay (“bubbling, heap”; mental mire; physically, the Roman (“strengthen”; belief in personal power) kingdom).” (Daniel 2:32-33)
Representative of the ever powerful and soon to be eradicated, internal kingdoms, the 144,000 come to perceive (mentally) and see (physically) the fallibleness of it all. That the eighth (“super-abundance”; fullness of carnality and it's dominion within and without) fallen kingdom (see Revelation 17:11) is a mixture of the previous seven (Babylon, Egypt, Assyria, Medo-Persia, Greece, Roman, German (new Assyria), 8th) and speaks to the utter giving over (via Yahweh's decree) of the mind, to utter depravity. And of course how this looks in life physical! It is the reason the 144,000 have been praying the mandated prayer of Luke 21:36, for sure.